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Which Version of Our Real-Time Decision-Making Engine is Right for You?

Take a look at our predictive modeling solutions to determine the best option for your business.


Codeless Predictive Modeling

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Plat AutoML

We offer a user-friendly platform for real-time decision-making. No experience is required. No coding is necessary.
Plat AutoML bridges the gap between complex machine learning and those without data science experience. Use it to get modeling and analytical solutions without writing a single line of code.

What is AutoML?

Plat AutoML is a real-time, automated machine-learning tool that offers modeling and analytical solutions. That’s without you needing to write a single line of code.

With AutoML, you can send a request to the model, which will respond with a probability and score – all through an easy-to-use, point-and-click platform.
Our codeless modeling platform can help you learn about your business, improve your targets, and optimize your campaigns.

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Advantages of Plat AutoML

real-time analytics
Fast interpretable
Easy automation
and deployment
Affordable price
No long-term

How to Go from Raw Data to Model Deployment + Predictive Scores

Create a workspace: define your industry and target
Upload raw data: upload a file or integrate your company’s database into the platform
Clean and prepare: clean your data by filtering out or replacing NAs, dropping unnecessary variables, removing outliers, and transforming variables
Analyze: visualize trends by creating charts and plotting variables
Build model: create different predictive models in a couple of clicks, then compare and select the best-performing one
Deploy: generate an API link that can integrate with any server
Receive automated results: obtain real-time scoring instantaneously as new data enters your model
Support bulk requests: upload a file of data and receive scores

Limitations of Plat AutoML

Complex or novel tasks may be outside the scope of Plat AutoML. When you require custom machine learning modeling and deployment, our Plat AdvancedML solution may better meet your needs.

Examples of AutoML Applications

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Plat AdvancedML

With AdvancedML, our team handles the end-to-end modeling and deployment process for you. Plat.AI’s data scientists design, develop, and deploy a model tailored to the specific needs of your business or product. We work under tight timelines so you can see and act upon results as soon as possible.

Why Choose AdvancedML?

We recommend AdvancedML service when:

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Advantages of Plat AdvancedML

Full flexibility to extract maximum insight for complex problems or datasets
No need to recruit an in-house data team for a time-bound project
No involvement in the modeling or deployment processes
Easy API integrations with your current systems and teams
Real-time predictions and model monitoring
Scalable infrastructure that delivers stable performance and lower latency

Limitations of Plat’s AdvancedML

AdvancedML has no specific limitations. Its flexible approach lets you realize the full potential of advanced machine learning, leveraging your data to its fullest potential.

Examples of AdvancedML Applications

No limitations mean deeper insight into your data. Here are industry-specific examples of the power of AdvancedML:

Here is a specific case study of AdvancedML in the financial industry:

Problem The lender had a risk problem with real-time incoming loan applications, resulting in a high rate of defaults. We aimed to develop a machine-learning scoring model to minimize the default rate without diminishing the traffic rate.

Solution To solve the issue, our team of data scientists enriched the available data by incorporating a set of variables that could improve the new model's performance. Also, we constructed several scores and indicators to tackle real-life issues coming from the current economic situation impacted by COVID-19.

Result We applied different machine-learning algorithms to find the best model to predict the default rate accurately.
After applying the Advanced modeling treatment, the default rate decreased from 17% to 4.25%.

Our team is ready to go the extra mile to help with your custom modeling and deployment.
Click below to see Plat AdvancedML in action.

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