Home Blog 5 Ways Business Intelligence Automation Empowers Small Businesses

5 Ways Business Intelligence Automation Empowers Small Businesses

Published: September 6, 2024
Writer at Plat.AI
Writer: Oliver Morris
Editor at Plat.AI
Editor: Ani Mosinyan
Reviewer at Plat.AI
Reviewer: Alek Kotolyan

Small businesses have limited resources, which can make it difficult to attract new customers, make the right financial decisions, and push for growth. Mistakes can lead to costs, and useful data may slip through the cracks. Business intelligence (BI) tools are designed to help with these challenges. Through BI software, small businesses gain multiple opportunities to keep up with today’s market. From predicting trends to gaining a competitive advantage, this article delves into the ways that automated BI tools can help small businesses achieve success.

Improved Decision-Making with Real-Time Data

Collecting, analyzing, and using data enables businesses to make better decisions based on current trends and market movements. That said, it’s a process that’s easier said than done. Small businesses that don’t rely on automated BI software will need to go about it manually. This is time-consuming and vulnerable to mistakes. By the time they’re ready to analyze the collected data, new trends may have already cropped up, making their information irrelevant.

people working on graphs and data figured

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

Business intelligence software shines in this area. It helps small businesses access the same data that larger companies use to adjust their strategies and make better decisions. Through BI tools, small businesses can:

  • Automate Data Collection: BI applications ensure accuracy during data collection. It reduces human errors and provides reliable data that small businesses can use for their analyses. It’s also faster and more efficient, enabling small businesses to make more decisions and drive more profit.
  • Receive Real-Time Insights: In addition to faster and more accurate data collection, automated BI software also helps small businesses maximize current trends through real-time insights. From market movement to consumer behavior, BI tools can track and update data, allowing small businesses to maximize data insights.
  • Simplify Complex Analytics: Data analysis may seem overwhelming to small business owners who have no experience reading reports. BI software resolves this through data visualizations, simplified reports, and intuitive insights.

Boost Cost Efficiency by Automating Data Analysis

Analyzing data to achieve growth and profit requires investment in time, labor, and resources. For small businesses, this isn’t easy given their limited resources. In this case, automated BI software presents an ideal solution to make data analysis more cost-efficient. It can also allow small businesses to compete alongside bigger and more established organizations, driving the return on investment (ROI) for these tools. This may be why 87.9% of companies worldwide have placed investments in data and analytics at the top of their priorities, according to a 2023 report from Statista.

Here’s how BI automation tools improve cost-efficiency for small businesses:

  • Reduces Manual Labor: Automated BI tools enable small businesses to have a small workforce that fits their budget. Even a small team can collect and analyze large datasets through these platforms. It reduces labor costs, allowing small businesses to save finances without sacrificing strategies.
  • Empower Staff: BI software reduces manual labor costs and empowers small businesses to do their own analyses. Instead of hiring business intelligence experts, small businesses can keep their processes in-house. They can gain powerful insights, visualizations, and reports at a fraction of the cost of experts. Additionally, they can also optimize their strategies and achieve financial growth.
  • Optimizes Resource Allocation: Better strategies and real-time insights allow small businesses to identify process areas that can be optimized and streamlined. This opportunity can save costs and enable them to allocate resources more effectively. This can lead to better budgets for common areas of improvement, like attracting new customers and marketing new products. It can also open staff retainment strategies, like better health benefits or offering to shoulder expenses for the cheapest online college bachelor degree.

Increase Productivity by Streamlining Operations

Small businesses need to do more with less to succeed and achieve growth. They must maximize limited resources to prevent losses, keep their staff to avoid turnover costs, and implement better strategies to drive growth. Starting from the ground up can be restrictive, but BI tools make it possible for small businesses to streamline operations and overcome these challenges. Beyond cost-efficiency, these tools also allow teams to be more productive.

woman working in her office

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Here are the ways that automated BI software can increase workforce productivity in small businesses:

  • Eliminates Routine Tasks: Much of business intelligence involves routine and administrative tasks that can take time to finish. From collecting data to double-checking for errors, these routine tasks can prevent teams from focusing on how their analysis can inform their strategies. Small businesses can focus on streamlining, improving, and growing by eliminating these tasks.
  • Improves Collaboration: Automated BI software offers relevant information, insights, and reports anytime and anywhere. This accessibility allows all team members in a small business to have access to the same information. As a result, they are aligned and moving toward a common goal, improving collaboration and overall productivity.
  • Speeds Up Decision-Making: Small businesses can benefit from BI tools by leveraging their analyses and reports. More than optimizing existing strategies, data from BI software can also be used to support innovative ideas, which can drive profit and growth. This result is supported by a study on the impact of business intelligence on the financial performance of start-ups, which found that BI tools had the most positive impact on innovation as teams can strategize and be more productive.

Gain Deeper Customer Insights with Automated Analytics

Understanding and attracting customers can determine the growth and success of small businesses. A 2024 report on small business marketing found that 73% of respondents were not entirely confident about their marketing strategies. Automated BI tools can help resolve this problem by collecting data on customer preferences, behavior, and needs. Small businesses can then analyze this data and determine how to attract and serve customers.

Some practical applications of automated BI software include:

  • Predicting Future Trends: BI tools provide small businesses with predictive analytics. These analyze customer history and identify trends based on different categories, like product popularity and seasonal needs. Through the best predictive analytics software, small businesses can create strategies that are more likely to bring customers and profit.
  • Optimizing Marketing Strategies: Automated BI software can also collect data on real-time customer behavior and preferences. Small businesses can then use this data to identify which strategies yield the best results and which are only draining resources. Additionally, it also helps small businesses leverage different trends to increase reputation and relevance.
  • Improving Customer Loyalty: Insights into customer behaviors and needs allow small businesses to inspire customer loyalty. From personalized recommendations to effective marketing messages, BI tools can help you improve the customer experience at every stage of the pipeline. They ensure that you’re targeting the right customers and implementing strategies to keep them coming back.

Stay Ahead of Competitors with a Strategic Edge

BI tools can empower small businesses by giving them a competitive advantage. Through these tools, small businesses can create strategies rivaling larger companies with access to more resources. Having a productive workforce and making smarter decisions allow small businesses to keep pace, if not pull ahead of the competition. This empowerment can inspire small teams to set more goals, driving growth and success.

Here’s how BI automation helps small businesses stay ahead of competitors:

  • Monitors Competitor Performance: Automated BI software enables small businesses to set metrics on how they should analyze competitor data. You can determine their performance by sales and customer reviews, among other metrics. You can also identify strengths and weaknesses. This visibility empowers small businesses by providing data that can help them leverage vulnerabilities in the competition and how they can establish their position in the market.
  • Enhances Product Development: Innovation becomes more possible with data. BI software helps small businesses understand market demand, customer needs, and competitor products. This data can then inform product development strategies, from features and marketing to pricing and experience.
  • Improves Agility: Small businesses must be agile to keep up with the fast-paced changes in the market. Automated BI software makes this goal achievable through real-time data, up-to-date records, and actionable insights. Combined, this data allows small businesses to change their strategies to respond to variables and find more ways to increase profit.

Empower Your Small Business with BI Automation

Automated BI software is groundbreaking for small businesses. It empowers them to establish themselves alongside larger companies, leverage data analytics, make smarter decisions, and attract and retain customers. It can also prevent mistakes, identify areas for cost savings, and inform strategies to drive profit. In a landscape where data is a necessity, BI tools enable small businesses to hit the ground running. It’s an investment that can help them make the most of their limited resources and smaller workforce, addressing obstacles to growth and success.

Oliver Morris

Tech WriterOliver Morris is an AI and tech writer for Plat.AI. He has previously worked for a tech startup and consulted with data scientists on the latest AI tools to improve communication and media. Oliver is constantly looking ahead to the future. He enjoys astrophotography and hiking in his free time.

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